12 Mar 2024
 | 12 Mar 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

HUST-Grace2024: a new GRACE-only gravity field time series based on more than 20 years satellite geodesy data and a hybrid processing chain

Hao Zhou, Lijun Zheng, Yaozong Li, Xiang Guo, Zebing Zhou, and Zhicai Luo

Abstract. To improve the accuracy of monthly temporal gravity field models for Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and GRACE Follow-On (GRACE-FO) mission, a new series named HUST-Grace2024 is determined based on the updated L1B dataset (GRACE L1B RL03 & GRACE-FO L1B RL04) and the newest atmosphere and ocean de-aliasing product (AOD1B RL07). Compared to the previous HUST temporal gravity field model releases, we made some improvements on both updating background models and processing chain as follows. (1) During the satellite onboard events, the intersatellite pointing angles are calculated to pinpoint the outliers in K-band range rates (KBRRs) and accelerometer observations. To exclude outliers, the advisable threshold is respectively 50 mrad for KBRRs and 20 mrad for accelerations. (2) To relieve the impacts of KBRR noise in different frequencies, a hybrid data weighting method is proposed. Kinematic empirical parameters are used to reduce the low frequency noise, while a stochastic model is designed to relieve the impacts of random noise above 10 mHz. (3) a fully-populated scale factor matrix is used to improve the quality of accelerometer calibration. Analysis in spectral and spatial domain is then implemented, which demonstrates that HUST-Grace2024 has a noticeable reduction of 10 % to 30 % in noise level and remains consistent amplitudes over 48 basins in singal content compared with the official GRACE and GRACE-FO solutions. These evaluations confirm that our aforementioned efforts lead to a better temporal gravity field series.

Hao Zhou, Lijun Zheng, Yaozong Li, Xiang Guo, Zebing Zhou, and Zhicai Luo

Status: open (until 15 May 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • CC1: 'Comment on essd-2024-39', Shuang Yi, 03 Apr 2024 reply
Hao Zhou, Lijun Zheng, Yaozong Li, Xiang Guo, Zebing Zhou, and Zhicai Luo

Data sets

HUST-Grace2024: GRACE and GRACE Follow-On monthly gravity field solution Hao Zhou et al.

Hao Zhou, Lijun Zheng, Yaozong Li, Xiang Guo, Zebing Zhou, and Zhicai Luo


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Short summary
Satellite gravimetry mission Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission and its follower GRACE-FO play a vital role in monitoring mass transportation on earth. Based on the latest observation data derived from GRACE/GRACE-FO and an updated data processing chain, a new series of monthly temporal gravity field HUST-Grace2024 was determined.