the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
An Updated Reconstruction of Antarctic Near-Surface Air Temperatures at Monthly Intervals Since 1958
Abstract. An updated near-surface temperature reconstruction for the Antarctic continent is presented for 1958 to 2022 (65 years) as monthly anomalies relative to 1981–2010 (RECON). It is based on monthly mean 2-m temperatures at 15 fixed stations that are spatially extrapolated to the entire continent using weights derived from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts 5th generation reanalysis (ERA5). Infilling of the fixed station records are performed where necessary to yield complete time series for 1958–2022. Variability and trends are tested at independent stations that have much shorter periods of record. RECON is designed for Antarctic climate variability and change applications for large spatial scales and extended time scales.
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Status: final response (author comments only)
CEC1: 'Comment on essd-2024-353', Ken Mankoff, 21 Nov 2024
Dear Authors,
There are some usability issues with your NetCDF files, and below are some expectations and hopefully helpful code to address theses issues. I also list some generic issues common to submissions that may or may not exist with your data and manuscript. Please address all relevant issues.
Manuscript content: ESSD expects no science, only data description. There should be robust uncertainty analysis. Errors are OK! There should be thorough validation against independent products. Your paper should describe everything that went into creating the data, and give end-users the ability to develop trust in the product and understand it's limitations, weaknesses, and issues, all of which are a part of your product. Please do not shy away from openly discussing them.
Manuscript style: Dates should all follow the ISO 8601 standard YYYY-MM-DD. Times should be provided in UTC. Local time can be provided in addition to UTC if you want. If you use the phrase "from <year0> to <year1>" readers do not know if <year1> is include or not. Please use "from <year0> through <year1>". Clearly distinguish input data from your product, the output and focus of the manuscript. Consider distinct sections for methods, validation, and error analysis. If you have a DOI, then the last sentence of the abstract should contain that DOI. If you use Zenodo, I suggest the DOI is the DOI for all versions, and you explicitly mention which version is used and presented in the manuscript, so that future updates are easy for users to find.
Code: ESSD expects all code related to your work to be available with the submission. This is primarily the code that generated your product, but also code to generate the figures in your manuscript (which will help users use your product correctly). We support open science. If you do not think the code is ready to release, then your paper or data is probably not ready to be reviewed. Open science is a subset of well-documented, user-friendly, or reproducible science.
Data: If your data is geospatial points or vector, it should probably be in an open geospatial format. This is typically GeoPackage. If your data is in CSV format, consider also adding a GeoPackage. Dates should all follow the ISO 8601 standard YYYY-MM-DD. Times should be UTC. Raster data should open via drag-and-drop in QGIS and support on-the-fly reprojection. Please test this. Raster data should also be internally compressed. NetCDF can be compressed with
#+BEGIN_SRC bash
nccopy -d1 #
#+BEGIN_SRC python
# Assuming ds is an xarray Dataset
comp = dict(zlib=True, complevel=5)
encoding = {var: comp for var in ds.data_vars} # only numeric, not string data_vars
ds.to_netcdf(filename, encoding=encoding)
#+END_SRCNetCDF files should probably be CF and ACDD compliant, and this can be checked with
#+BEGIN_SRC bash -t acdd:1.3 -t cf:1.8 #
#+END_SRCIf you have many NetCDF files split by time, you should be able to easily combine them with one or more of the following commands:
ds = xr.open_mfdataset("in_*.nc") # Python xarray
cdo mergetime in_{1,2,3}.nc # Bash cdo
ncrcat in_{1,2,3}.nc # Bash nco
#+END_EXAMPLEMetadata needed by QGIS for projection support might be added with the following, depending on your dimension variable names:
#+BEGIN_SRC python
import rioxarray as rxr
ds =
ds ='epsg:nnnn') # create ds['spatial_ref'] for your EPSG code
ds['spatial_ref'] = ds['spatial_ref'].astype(np.byte)
ds ='x','y') # or ('lon','lat') and only maybe needed
for v in ds.data_vars:
ds[v].attrs['grid_mapping'] = 'spatial_ref'
ds.to_netcdf(outfilename, encoding=encoding)
# open in QGIS and check agianst known product if correct.
#+END_SRCThink about your data types. If you have a percentage value (0 to 100) with precision 1 (or 5), it can be stored in an 8 bit integer and does not need 64 bit floating point storage. Elsewhere, Float32 may be more appropriate than Float64.
Please address any of these issues if they apply to your dataset and manuscript.
Ken Mankoff
ESSD Chief Editor (Ice)Citation: -
RC1: 'Comment on essd-2024-353', Anonymous Referee #1, 23 Dec 2024
The comment was uploaded in the form of a supplement:
RC2: 'Comment on essd-2024-353', Anonymous Referee #2, 05 Jan 2025
This is an update of a 2014 dataset and draws heavily on that work. The results are generally sound but I think this paper assumes too much prior knowledge from the 2014 work and there are some points that I think would be worth including explicitly here. I've given a 'major revisions' assessment because I would like to see the author response to my two major comments, but don't see any major barriers to publication once those are addressed.
Major comments
- The paper does not discuss the source data in any detail, except for the newly-added Belgrano station. A reader may assume that the remaining 14 stations are taken directly from station data but this is not the case (for example, the 2014 paper discusses the Byrd reconstruction at some length). The paper should be clear about the input station data sets and discuss any potential homogeneity issues with them. (To give one example with which I am familiar, the ‘Casey’ record is presumably a composite of Casey with pre-1969 Wilkes and it is unclear whether any potential inhomogeneities with that site move have been considered).
- From the results in Table 3 and Figure 2, it appears that recent warming in ERA5 is substantially greater than in the reconstruction. This is an interesting result and I think is worth more discussion that it gets. It may also be of interest to compare warming rates in the reconstruction with the Antarctic component of major global temperature data sets (e.g. HadCRUT5, NOAAGlobalTemp, GISTEMP, Berkeley Earth).
Other comments
- L29 – ‘collected initially for weather forecasting purposes’ – this is common for historical climate records everywhere, is there anything specific to the Antarctic which requires elaboration here?
- L60-61 – although Gossart et al (2019) found that ERA5 was in general the best-performing reanalysis for temperature over Antarctica, they did find that it did have a warm bias in the cold season over the interior (although less than CFSR). This should be mentioned somewhere; does it have any implications for the results presented here?
- L73-75 – this implies that the pre-1980 ‘Belgrano’ data are in fact a reconstruction from elsewhere – is this correct? This could be made clearer, and it would be useful to get an indication of how far away the data being used in the reconstruction are.
- Figure 1 – I think it would be useful to show the location of the Halley site (perhaps in a different colour) so readers can be aware of how Belgrano replaces it.
- L129 - ‘The significantly smaller correlation for Orcadas’ – presumably the fact that it’s an island (and the surrounding oceans are free of sea ice for a significant part of the year) is also relevant here? It’s also surprising to me that the R2 metric in Table 2 is very high for Orcadas when it performs less well on the other metrics, is this worth comment?
- Figure 2 – the caption says ERA5 is on the left and RECON on the right but the label on the figures themselves is the other way round.
- L237-247 – this paragraph is more of a discussion than a conclusion, perhaps the section header could be changed?
Citation: -
AC1: 'Responses to Reviewer Comments on essd-2024-353', David Bromwich, 12 Feb 2025
The comment was uploaded in the form of a supplement:
Data sets
Reconstruction of Antarctic Near-Surface Air Temperatures at Monthly Intervals Since 1958 David Bromwich and Sheng-Hung Wang
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