28 Aug 2024
 | 28 Aug 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

EARice10: A 10 m Resolution Annual Rice Distribution Map of East Asia for 2023

Mingyang Song, Lu Xu, Ji Ge, Hong Zhang, Lijun Zuo, Jingling Jiang, Yinhaibin Ding, Yazhe Xie, and Fan Wu

Abstract. Timely and accurate high-resolution annual mapping of rice distribution is essential for food security, greenhouse gas emissions assessment and supporting for sustainable development goals. East Asia (EA), a major global rice-producing region, accounts for approximately 29.3 % of the world's rice production. Therefore, to acquire the latest rice distribution of the EA, this study proposed a novel rice distribution mapping method based on the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform, producing a 10-meter-resolution annual rice distribution map (EARice10) of EA for 2023. A new Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)-based Rice distribution Mapping Index (SRMI) was firstly proposed and combined with optical indices to generate representative rice samples. In addition, a stacking-based optical-SAR adaptive fusion model was designed to fully integrate the features of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data for high-precision rice mapping in EA. The accuracy of EARice10 was evaluated using more than 90,000 validation samples and achieved an overall accuracy of 90.48 %, with both user’s and producer’s accuracies exceeding 90 %. The reliability of the product was verified by an R2 values ranging between 0.94 and 0.98 with respect to official statistics, and between 0.79 and 0.98 with respect to previous rice mapping products. EARice10 is accessible at (Song et al., 2024).

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Mingyang Song, Lu Xu, Ji Ge, Hong Zhang, Lijun Zuo, Jingling Jiang, Yinhaibin Ding, Yazhe Xie, and Fan Wu

Status: open (until 04 Oct 2024)

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Mingyang Song, Lu Xu, Ji Ge, Hong Zhang, Lijun Zuo, Jingling Jiang, Yinhaibin Ding, Yazhe Xie, and Fan Wu

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EARice10: A 10 m Resolution Annual Rice Distribution Map of East Asia for 2023 Mingyang Song, Lu Xu, Ji Ge, Hong Zhang, Lijun Zuo, Jingling Jiang, Yinhaibin Ding, Yazhe Xie, and Fan Wu

Mingyang Song, Lu Xu, Ji Ge, Hong Zhang, Lijun Zuo, Jingling Jiang, Yinhaibin Ding, Yazhe Xie, and Fan Wu


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Short summary
We designed to generate the 10 m resolution rice distribution map of EA in 2023 (EARice10). The generated EARice10 has an OA of 90.48 % on the validation samples, showing good consistency with statistical data and existing datasets, with R2 values ranging between 0.94 and 0.98 with statistical data, and between 0.79 and 0.98 with existing datasets. Moreover, EARice10 is the most up-to-date rice distribution map that comprehensively covers four rice production countries of EA in 10 m resolution.