14 Aug 2024
 | 14 Aug 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

Mapping global leaf inclination angle (LIA) based on field measurement data

Sijia Li and Hongliang Fang

Abstract. Leaf inclination angle (LIA), the angle between leaf surface normal and zenith directions, is a vital parameter in radiative transfer, rainfall interception, evapotranspiration, photosynthesis, and hydrological processes. Due to the difficulty in obtaining large-scale field measurement data, LIA is typically assumed to follow the spherical leaf distribution or simply considered constant for different plant types. However, the appropriateness of these simplifications and the global LIA distribution are still unknown. This study compiled global LIA measurements and generated the first global 500 m mean LIA (MLA) product by gap-filling the LIA measurement data using a random forest regressor. Different generation strategies were employed for noncrops and crops. The MLA product was evaluated by validating the nadir leaf projection function (G(0)) derived from the MLA product with high-resolution reference data. The global MLA is 41.47°±9.55°, and the value increases with latitude. The MLAs for different vegetation types follow the order of cereal crops (54.65°) > broadleaf crops (52.35°) > deciduous needleleaf forest (50.05°) > shrubland (49.23°) > evergreen needleleaf forest (47.13°) ≈ grassland (47.12°) > deciduous broadleaf forest (41.23°) > evergreen broadleaf forest (34.40°). Cross-validation shows that the predicted MLA presents a medium consistency (r = 0.75, RMSE = 7.15°) with the validation samples for noncrops, whereas crops show relatively lower correspondence (r = 0.48 and 0.60 for broadleaf crops and cereal crops) because of limited LIA measurements and strong seasonality. The global G(0) distribution is opposite to that of the MLA and agrees moderately with the reference data (r = 0.62, RMSE = 0.15). This study shows that the common spherical and constant LIA assumptions may underestimate the intercept capability for most vegetation. The MLA and G(0) products derived in this study would enhance our knowledge about global LIA and should greatly facilitate remote sensing retrieval and land surface modeling studies.

The global MLA and G(0) products can be accessed at: Li, S. and Fang, H. 2024,

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Sijia Li and Hongliang Fang

Status: open (until 05 Oct 2024)

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Sijia Li and Hongliang Fang

Data sets

Global leaf inclination angle (LIA) and nadir leaf projection function (G(0)) products Siia Li and Hongliang Fang

Model code and software

The related code for generating global leaf inclination angle Siia Li and Hongliang Fang

Sijia Li and Hongliang Fang


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Short summary
Leaf inclination angle (LIA) is a vital parameter in radiative transfer, rainfall interception, evapotranspiration, photosynthesis, and hydrological processes. However, global LIA knowledge is still lacking. This study generated the first global 500 m LIA products by gap-filling LIA measurement data. The global LIA is 41.47°±9.55° and increases with latitude. The LIA products would enhance our understanding of global LIA and assist remote sensing retrieval and land surface modeling studies.