19 Aug 2024
 | 19 Aug 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

An in-situ daily dataset for benchmarking temporal variability of groundwater recharge

Pragnaditya Malakar, Aatish Anshuman, Mukesh Kumar, Georgios Boumis, T. Prabhakar Clement, Arik Tashie, Hitesh Thakur, Nagaraj Bhat, and Lokendra Rathore

Abstract. Accurate estimate of groundwater recharge is crucial for prediction of groundwater table dynamics and dependent eco-hydrological processes. Despite its importance, benchmark data for groundwater recharge at fine (~ daily) temporal resolution is lacking. We present a first-of-a-kind daily groundwater recharge per unit specific yield (RpSy) data over periods of 2–38 years at 485 groundwater monitoring wells in the US. The RpSy data for these locations are calculated from the daily groundwater table time series using the water table fluctuations (WTF) method. Although direct validation of the data is not possible, since it is the first of its kind, we compare the RpSy data with the monthly USGS product to identify similarities and differences. The RpSy dataset may serve as a benchmark for validating the temporal consistency of recharge products and daily simulation results from land surface and integrated hydrologic models.

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Pragnaditya Malakar, Aatish Anshuman, Mukesh Kumar, Georgios Boumis, T. Prabhakar Clement, Arik Tashie, Hitesh Thakur, Nagaraj Bhat, and Lokendra Rathore

Status: open (until 04 Oct 2024)

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Pragnaditya Malakar, Aatish Anshuman, Mukesh Kumar, Georgios Boumis, T. Prabhakar Clement, Arik Tashie, Hitesh Thakur, Nagaraj Bhat, and Lokendra Rathore

Data sets

An in-situ daily dataset for benchmarking temporal variability of groundwater recharge Pragnaditya Malakar, Aatish Anshuman, Mukesh Kumar, Georgios Boumis, T. Prabhakar Clement, Arik Tashi, Hitesh Thakur, Nagaraj Bhat, and Lokendra Rathore

Model code and software

An in-situ daily dataset for benchmarking temporal variability of groundwater recharge Pragnaditya Malakar, Aatish Anshuman, Mukesh Kumar, Georgios Boumis, T. Prabhakar Clement, Arik Tashi, Hitesh Thakur, Nagaraj Bhat, and Lokendra Rathore

Pragnaditya Malakar, Aatish Anshuman, Mukesh Kumar, Georgios Boumis, T. Prabhakar Clement, Arik Tashie, Hitesh Thakur, Nagaraj Bhat, and Lokendra Rathore


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Short summary
Groundwater dynamics depend on groundwater recharge, but daily benchmark data of recharge is scarce. Here we present a daily groundwater recharge per unit specified yield (RpSy) data at 485 US groundwater monitoring wells. RpSy can be used to validate temporal consistency of recharge products from land surface and hydrologic models and facilitate assessment of recharge-driver functional relationships in them.