03 Jul 2024
 | 03 Jul 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

SedDARE-IB: An open access repository of sediment data for Iberia and its continental margins

Montserrat Torne, Tiago Alves, Ivone Jiménez-Munt, Joao Carvalho, Conxi Ayala, Elsa Ramalho, Angela Gómez, Hugo Matias, Hanneke Heida, Abraham Balaguera, José Luis García-Lobón, and Jaume Vergés

Abstract. Sediments provide valuable information for geologists and geophysicists whenever they strive to understand, and reproduce, the geological evolution, lithology, rock properties, seismic response, and geohazards of a region. The analysis of sedimentary sequences is thus useful to the interpretation of depositional environments, sea-level change, climate change, and to a recognition of the sediments' source areas, amongst other aspects.  By integrating sedimentary data in geophysical modelling, such interpretations are improved in terms of their accuracy and reliability. To help our further understanding of Iberia's geological evolution, geological resources and geohazards, this work presents to the scientific community the SedDARE-IB data repository. This repository includes available data of the depth to the Base Cenozoic and Top Paleozoic stratigraphic markers for the Iberian Peninsula and surrounding Western Atlantic and Mediterranean Neogene basins, or to the acoustic basement as interpreted for the Valencia Trough and Alboran Mediterranean basins. As an example of the broad applicability of the data included in SedDARE-IB, we investigate how sediment thickness affects the depth to the 150 oC isotherm at specific basins, as commonly used in geothermal exploration. The calculated trend suggests that, given constant measured surface heat flow and thermal conductivity, the 150 oC isotherm becomes shallower as a function of sediment thickness, until a critical threshold value is reached for the latter.SedDARE-IB database has been built thanks to a Portuguese-Spanish collaboration promoting open data exchange among institutions and research groups. SedDARE-IB is freely available at (Torne et al., 2024) bringing opportunities to the scientific, industrial, and educational communities for diverse applications.

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Montserrat Torne, Tiago Alves, Ivone Jiménez-Munt, Joao Carvalho, Conxi Ayala, Elsa Ramalho, Angela Gómez, Hugo Matias, Hanneke Heida, Abraham Balaguera, José Luis García-Lobón, and Jaume Vergés

Status: open (until 24 Nov 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Montserrat Torne, Tiago Alves, Ivone Jiménez-Munt, Joao Carvalho, Conxi Ayala, Elsa Ramalho, Angela Gómez, Hugo Matias, Hanneke Heida, Abraham Balaguera, José Luis García-Lobón, and Jaume Vergés

Data sets

SedDARE-IB: An open access repository of sediment data for Iberia and its continental margins Monterrsat Torne, Tiago M. Alves, Ivone Jiménez-Munt, Joao Carvalho, Conxi Ayala, Elsa C. Ramalho, Angela M. Gómez, Hugo Matias, Hanneke Heida, Abraham Balaguera, José Luis García-Lobón, and Jaume Vergés

Montserrat Torne, Tiago Alves, Ivone Jiménez-Munt, Joao Carvalho, Conxi Ayala, Elsa Ramalho, Angela Gómez, Hugo Matias, Hanneke Heida, Abraham Balaguera, José Luis García-Lobón, and Jaume Vergés


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Short summary
Sediments are like history books for geologists and geophysicists. By studying sediments, we can learn about past environments, sea level and climate changes, and where the sediments came from. To aid in understanding the geology, georesources, and potential hazards in the Iberian Peninsula and surrounding seas, we present the SedDARE-IB sediments data repository. As an application in geothermal exploration, we investigate how sediments thickness affects the depth of the 150 °C isotherm. 