30 May 2024
 | 30 May 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

A Submesoscale Eddy Identification Dataset in the Northwest Pacific Ocean Derived from GOCI I Chlorophyll–a Data based on Deep Learning

Yan Wang, Jie Yang, and Ge Chen

Abstract. This paper presents an observational dataset on submesoscale eddies obtained from high–resolution chlorophyll–a data captured by GOCI I. Our methodology involves a combination of digital image processing, filtering, and object detection techniques, along with specific chlorophyll–a image enhancement procedure to extract essential information about submesoscale eddies. This information includes their time, polarity, geographical coordinates of the eddy center, eddy radius, coordinates of the upper left and lower right corners of the prediction box, area of the eddy's inner ellipse, and confidence score. The dataset spans eight time intervals, ranging from 00:00 to 08:00 (UTC) daily, covering the period from April 1, 2011, to March 31, 2021. A total of 19,136 anticyclonic eddies and 93,897 cyclonic eddies were identified with a confidence minimum of 0.2. The mean radius of anticyclonic eddies is 24.44 km (range 2.5 km to 44.25 km), while that of cyclonic eddies is 12.34 km (range 1.75 km to 44 km). This unprecedented hourly resolution dataset on submesoscale eddies offers valuable insights into their distribution, morphology, and energy dissipation. It significantly contributes to our understanding of marine environments, ecosystems and the improvement of climate model predictions. The dataset is available at (Wang and Yang, 2023).

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Yan Wang, Jie Yang, and Ge Chen

Status: open (until 31 Jul 2024)

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Yan Wang, Jie Yang, and Ge Chen

Data sets

A Submesoscale Eddy Identification Dataset Derived from GOCI I Chlorophyll–a Data based on Deep Learning Yan Wang and Jie Yang

Yan Wang, Jie Yang, and Ge Chen


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Short summary
Mesoscale eddies are ubiquitous in the ocean and account for 90 % of its kinetic energy, but their generation and dissipation struggle to observe with current remote sensing technology. Our submesoscale eddy dataset, formed by suppressing large-scale circulation signals and enhancing small-scale chlorophyll structures, has important implications for understanding marine environments and ecosystems, as well as improving climate model predictions.