05 Aug 2024
 | 05 Aug 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

A high-resolution pan-Arctic meltwater discharge dataset from 1950 to 2021

Adam Igneczi and Jonathan Louis Bamber

Abstract. Arctic air temperatures have increased about four times faster than the global average since about 1980. Consequently the Greenland Ice Sheet has lost about twice as much ice as the Antarctic Ice Sheet between 2003 and 2019, and mass loss from glaciers and ice caps is also dominated by those that lie in the Arctic. Thus, Arctic land ice loss is currently a major contributor to global sea level rise. This increasing freshwater flux into the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans, will also impact physical, chemical and biological processes across a range of domains and spatiotemporal scales. Although, meltwater discharge data at Arctic coastlines are available from two existing datasets, these are limited by their spatial resolution and/or coverage. Here, we improve upon previous work and provide a high-resolution coastal meltwater discharge data product that covers all Arctic regions, where land ice is present, i.e. the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Greenland, Iceland, Svalbard, Russian Arctic Islands. Coastal meltwater discharge data were derived from Modèle Atmosphérique Régional daily ice and land runoff products between 1950 and 2021, which we statistically downscaled from their original ~6 km resolution to 250 m. The complete data processing algorithm, including downscaling, is fully documented and relies on open-source software. The coastal discharge database is disseminated in easily accessible and storage efficient netCDF files.

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Adam Igneczi and Jonathan Louis Bamber

Status: open (until 26 Sep 2024)

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Adam Igneczi and Jonathan Louis Bamber

Data sets

Pan-Arctic land-ice and tundra meltwater discharge database from 1950 to 2021 Adam Igneczi and Jonathan L. Bamber

Model code and software

Meltwater discharge data processing description Adam Igneczi

Adam Igneczi and Jonathan Louis Bamber


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Short summary
Freshwater from Arctic land ice loss strongly impacts the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans. Datasets describing this freshwater discharge have low resolution and do not cover the entire Arctic. We statistically enhanced coarse resolution climate model data – from ~6 km to 250 m – and routed meltwater towards the coastlines, to provide high resolution data that is covering all Arctic regions. This approach has far lower computational requirements than running climate models at high resolution.