Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.
Seismic survey in urban area: the activities of the EMERSITO INGV emergency group in Ancona (Italy) following the 2022 MW 5.5 Costa Marchigiana-Pesarese earthquake
Abstract. This paper illustrates the activities of EMERSITO, an emergency task force of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV, Italy) devoted to site effects and microzonation studies, during the seismic sequence that occurred close to the Adriatic coast in Central Italy since November 9th, 2022, following the Mw 5.5 mainshock localised in the sea. In particular, we describe the steps that led to the deployment of a temporary network of seismic stations in the urban area of Ancona, the main city of the Adriatic coastline. Data collected by the temporary Ancona network (identification code 6N, doi: 10.13127/sd/qctgd6c-3a, EMERSITO Working Group, 2024) from November 2022 to the end of February 2023 have been preliminary analysed with different techniques to characterise the deployment sites, and are now available for further and detailed studies.
Received: 03 May 2024 – Discussion started: 19 Aug 2024
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This paper describes data and preliminary analyses made by the INGV emergency task force EMERSITO, devoted to site effects and seismic microzonation studies, following the November 9th, 2022, MW 5.5 earthquake (Adriatic sea, Italy). Considering the earthquake affected area, EMERSITO deployed a temporary seismic network of 11 stations (net code 6N) sampling different geological units in the urban area of Ancona, the regional capital of Marche, and operated from November 2022 to February 2023.
This paper describes data and preliminary analyses made by the INGV emergency task force...