23 May 2023
 | 23 May 2023
Status: a revised version of this preprint was accepted for the journal ESSD and is expected to appear here in due course.

Multitemporal characterisation of a proglacial system: a multidisciplinary approach

Elisabetta Corte, Andrea Ajmar, Carlo Camporeale, Alberto Cina, Velio Coviello, Fabio Giulio Tonolo, Alberto Godio, Myrta Maria Macelloni, Stefania Tamea, and Andrea Vergnano

Abstract. The recession of Alpine glaciers causes an increase in the extent of proglacial areas that leads to changes in the water and sediment balance morphodynamics and sediment transport. Although the processes occurring in proglacial areas are relevant not only from a scientific point of view but also for the purpose of climate change adaptation, there is a lack of studies on the continuous monitoring and multitemporal characterization of these areas. This work offers a multidisciplinary approach that merges the contributions of different scientific disciplines such as hydrology, geophysics, geomatics and water engineering to characterise the Rutor glacier and its proglacial area. We surveyed the glacier and its proglacial area since 2020 with both uncrewed (drone) and crewed aerial photogrammetric flights; we determined the bathymetry of the most downstream proglacial lake and the thickness of the sediments deposited on its bottom. Water depth at four different locations within the hydrographic network of the proglacial area and the bedload at the glacier snout were continuously monitored. The synergy of our approach enables the characterisation, monitoring and understanding of a set of complex and interconnected processes occurring in a proglacial area.

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Elisabetta Corte, Andrea Ajmar, Carlo Camporeale, Alberto Cina, Velio Coviello, Fabio Giulio Tonolo, Alberto Godio, Myrta Maria Macelloni, Stefania Tamea, and Andrea Vergnano

Status: closed

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on essd-2023-94', Anonymous Referee #1, 09 Jun 2023
    • AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Elisabetta Corte, 11 Sep 2023
  • RC2: 'Comment on essd-2023-94', Anonymous Referee #2, 06 Oct 2023

Status: closed

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on essd-2023-94', Anonymous Referee #1, 09 Jun 2023
    • AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Elisabetta Corte, 11 Sep 2023
  • RC2: 'Comment on essd-2023-94', Anonymous Referee #2, 06 Oct 2023
Elisabetta Corte, Andrea Ajmar, Carlo Camporeale, Alberto Cina, Velio Coviello, Fabio Giulio Tonolo, Alberto Godio, Myrta Maria Macelloni, Stefania Tamea, and Andrea Vergnano

Data sets

Bathymetry, sediment thickness, and geotechnical-geophysical properties of sediments of Lake Seracchi in Rutor proglacial area E. Corte, A. Ajmar, C. Camporeale, A. Cina, V. Coviello, F. Giulio Tonolo, A. Godio, M. M. Macelloni, C. Oggeri, S. Tamea, and A. Vergnano

Rutor glacier fronts footprints E. Corte, A. Ajmar, C. Camporeale, A. Cina, V. Coviello, F. Giulio Tonolo, A. Godio, M. M. Macelloni, S. Tamea, and A. Vergnano

Hydrometric data in the Rutor proglacial area E. Corte, A. Ajmar, C. Camporeale, A. Cina, V. Coviello, F. Giulio Tonolo, A. Godio, M. M. Macelloni, S. Tamea, and A. Vergnano

Geophone data in the Rutor proglacial area (Valle d’Aosta, Italy) E. Corte, A. Ajmar, C. Camporeale, A. Cina, V. Coviello, F. Giulio Tonolo, A. Godio, M. M. Macelloni, S. Tamea, A. Vergnano, M. Bonfrisco, and F. Comiti

Orthophoto and DSM Rutor Glacier E. Corte, A. Ajmar, C. Camporeale, A. Cina, V. Coviello, F. Giulio Tonolo, A. Godio, M. M. Macelloni, S. Tamea, and A. Vergnano

Elisabetta Corte, Andrea Ajmar, Carlo Camporeale, Alberto Cina, Velio Coviello, Fabio Giulio Tonolo, Alberto Godio, Myrta Maria Macelloni, Stefania Tamea, and Andrea Vergnano


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Short summary
The study presents a set of multitemporal geospatial surveys and the continuous monitoring of water flows in a large proglacial area (4 km2) of the North-Western Alps. Activities are developed with a multidisciplinary approach and merge geomatics, hydraulic and geophysical methods. The goal is to allow researchers to characterize, monitor and model a number of physical processes and interconnected phenomena, with a broader perspective and deeper understanding than a single-discipline approach.