07 Dec 2023
 | 07 Dec 2023
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

Gap-filling processes on GOCI-derived daily sea surface salinity product for Changjiang diluted water front in the East China Sea

Jisun Shin, Dae-Won Kim, So-Hyun Kim, Gi Seop Lee, Boo-Keun Kim, and Young-Heon Jo

Abstract. The spatial and temporal resolutions of contemporary microwave-based sea surface salinity (SSS) measurements are insufficient. Thus, we developed gap-free gridded daily SSS product with high spatial and temporal resolutions, which can provide information on short-term variability in the East China Sea (ECS), such as the front changes by Changjiang diluted water (CDW). Specifically, we conducted gap-filling for daily SSS products based on the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) with a spatial resolution of 1 km (0.01°), using a machine learning approach during the summer season from 2015 to 2019. The comparison of the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP), Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS), and Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) SSS products with the GOCI-derived SSS over the entire SSS range showed that the SMAP SSS was highly consistent, whereas the HYCOM SSS was the least consistent. In the <31 psu range, the SMAP SSS was still the most consistent with the GOCI-derived SSS (R2 = 0.46; root mean squared error: RMSE = 2.41 psu); in the >31 psu range, the CMEMS and HYCOM SSS products showed similar levels of agreement with that of the SMAP SSS. We trained and tested three machine learning models—the find trees, boosted trees, and bagged trees models—using the daily GOCI-derived SSS as the ground truth, while including the three SSS products, environmental variables, and geographical data. We combined the three SSS products to construct input datasets for machine learning. Using the test dataset, the bagged trees model showed the best results (mean R2 = 0.98 and RMSE = 1.31 psu), and the models that used the SMAP SSS as input had the highest level. For the dataset in the >31 psu range, all models exhibited similarly reasonable performances (RMSE = 1.25–1.35 psu). The comparison with in situ SSS data, time series analysis, and the spatial SSS distribution derived from models showed that all models had proper CDW distributions with reasonable RMSE levels (0.91–1.56 psu). In addition, the CDW front derived from the model gap-free daily SSS product clearly demonstrated the daily oceanic mechanism during summer season in the ECS at a detailed spatial scale. Notably, the CDW front in the horizontal direction, as captured by the Ieodo Ocean Research Station (I-ORS), moved approximately 3.04 km per day in 2016, which is very fast compared with the cases in other years. Our model yielded a gap-free gridded daily SSS product with reasonable accuracy and enabled the successful recognition of daily SSS fronts at the 1-km level, which was previously not possible with ocean color data. Such successful application of machine learning models can further provide useful information on the long-term variation of daily SSS in the ECS.

Jisun Shin, Dae-Won Kim, So-Hyun Kim, Gi Seop Lee, Boo-Keun Kim, and Young-Heon Jo

Status: final response (author comments only)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on essd-2023-421', Anonymous Referee #1, 25 Mar 2024
  • RC2: 'Comment on essd-2023-421', Anonymous Referee #2, 07 Apr 2024
Jisun Shin, Dae-Won Kim, So-Hyun Kim, Gi Seop Lee, Boo-Keun Kim, and Young-Heon Jo

Data sets

gridded gap-free SSS dataset Jisun Shin, Dae-Won Kim, So-Hyun Kim, Boo-Keun Kim, Young-Heon Jo

Jisun Shin, Dae-Won Kim, So-Hyun Kim, Gi Seop Lee, Boo-Keun Kim, and Young-Heon Jo


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Short summary
We overcame the limitations of satellite and reanalysis sea surface salinity (SSS) datasets and succeeded in producing a gap-free gridded SSS product with reasonable accuracy and a spatial resolution of 1 km using a machine learning model. Our study facilitates the identification of the distribution and movement patterns of Changjiang diluted water front in the East China Sea on a daily basis during summer, thereby further advancing our understanding and monitoring of long-term SSS variations.